
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

List #18: Levi at 17.5 months

I can pinpoint the exact moment Levi shifted from walker to climber.  It was the same time he was able to open a washable marker by himself.  Levi today is so different from last month.  It is bittersweet when he wrestles away from me to get down and roam around while outside.

This is who Levi is today:

1.  Richard Scarry's books, especially the jumbo sized The Biggest Word Book
2.  Red trucks and trains
3.  Looking out the window
4.  The colors red and yellow
5.  Things that spin/roll
6.  Bubbles
7.  Painting and drawing
8.  Climbing
9.  Cats
10.  Being outside

1.  Bees
2.  Diaper changes
3.  Fruit and veggies
4.  Rainy days

1.  Uses his hair as his napkin while eating
2.  Hugs his fire truck during book reads
3.  Slaps his cheek a bit too hard when signing the word bee
4.  Talks himself to sleep
5.  Flings his arms behind him as if flying when trying to run

1.  Recognize/sign the letters L, R, F, S, T, X, V, A, E, I  and O.
2.  Recognize the numbers 1, 2, 5 and 6.
3.  Hoist himself up on elevated furniture
4.  Blow

1.  Two word phrases regularly i.e. "red truck," "my book," "where grandma?" and "Joaquin home."
2.  Three word phrases occasionally: "Sheep eat grass," "Pop sorry hurt," "fire truck red."
3.  Four word phrases every now and then: "Levi mama want up," "egg fall broke horse."(this refers to Humpty Dumpty)

1.  Ricotta cheese
2. Annie's crackers
3.  Tortilla chips
4.  Chicken
5.  Beef
6.  BBQ sauce & ketchup
7.  Yogurt

1.  Water
2.  Mama's milk
3.  Wheatgrass juice mixed with orange juice.

1.  Once a day at around 11:30 for an hour and half.
2.  On the days his grandparents come, it's touch-and-go.

1.  Overalls quite often
2.  Blue Vans (I had to hide his red sneakers--when he sees them he insists on wearing them, even though they are way too small)

Vital Stats:
Height: 30 inches, approx.
Weight: Unknown
Shoe Size: 5
Clothing Size: 18-24m

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