
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Balancing Act

In another lifetime I went to yoga sessions regularly with Douglas.  We also practiced yoga at home, balancing sharp angles on yoga blocks.  This was in addition to our daily gym sessions.  Oh, those days.

In this lifetime Levi uses them as building blocks.

On a rainy day last week Levi wanted to scale the table.  After repeated rescues and failed diversions, I finally put the chairs up on the table.

Levi immediately headed over to the cart by the television.  I found myself pulling him off an assortment of elevated surfaces over and over and over until I got it.

I understood.  He wanted to fall and hurt himself develop and hone his motor skills, particularly his balance.

On that rainy day I found another use for my yoga blocks.  A makeshift balance beam!  I lined the blocks up and demonstrated walking on the blocks, one foot in front of another with my arms outstretched.  I thought it was a safe way to practice balancing.

Levi brightened immediately.  He stepped on confidently.

Apparently it looked easier than it actually was.  Levi found this fun (and funny).

After falling a few times, he ditched the balls he was holding in one hand and tried again.  This little activity was both challenging and stimulating.  Levi got to practice scaling and balancing on a much smaller scale.

Now how do I get to balance motherhood and exercise?

1 comment :

  1. Brilliant :) Love his seersucker overalls! :)
