
Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Levi woke up a changed boy.  His choice of toy?  It's not a car.  It's not a bird.

It's an airplane!  When we go out for walks, his eyes are on the sky.  He is on the lookout for airplanes every minute.  He says, "Airplane far up" when he spots one.

Levi has a red airplane that was given to him for his birthday.  He makes the plane take off and walks around waving the plane around his head (I have to restrain myself--I worry he'll drop it on his head).  I found this clip via Youtube and showed it to him one afternoon during lunch time.  He totally ate it up. He also has a new airplane book by Byron Barton (on the cover there is a red airplane too!).

Last fall we went to an airplane park in Virginia (yes, a park where people watch airplanes taking off and landing) and Levi did not show much interest.  Now that we're going back to D.C. in April, I cannot wait to take him to the park again.  Levi is going to love it.

Actually I think he got the idea of airplanes and flying last Christmas--he watched planes taking off from the runway while we waited to board.  But now his understanding of airplanes has gone one step further.  He has fallen in love with airplanes.

We're going to fly a few times in the next few months for Douglas' gigs.  I cannot wait to see his face when we go to the airport.

Levi, my little driver pilot.  You are taking off.

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