
Monday, April 22, 2013

List #14: Levi's To-Do List

The life of a busy toddler looks like this...

1.  Wake up too early or sleep too late.
2.  Find a tortilla chip from who knows where and nibble on it.
3.  Pull freshly folded laundry off bed.
4.  Remove several apps from either parent's iPhone.
5.  Take several blurry photos of self on either parent's iPhone.
6.  Run away when either parent says "Time to change diapers."
7.  Wipe dirty hands on anybody dressed nicely.
8.  Suck on remote control.
9.  Ask to be put in swing.
10.  Ask to be taken out immediately after being put in swing.
11.  Run to couch when the word "book" is mentioned.
12.  Ask to read same book 75 times.
13.  Eat coconut oil straight from jar.
14.  Wipe greasy finger on bedspread.
15.  Sprint the opposite way.
16.  Call every elderly person "grandma/grandpa."
17.  Call every other person "baby."
18.  Insist that a fox is a cat.
19.  Flash mama to the world by pulling down her shirt.
20.  Melt parents' hearts at every opportune moment.

We love you, Levi.  You are so much fun.