
Monday, April 15, 2013

Ciggy Breaks

Let's pretend nicotine doesn't exist for a moment (therefore no evil cancer stuff and all that jazz).  

Think about smokers and those special ciggy breaks that allow normal sociable people to suddenly retreat to some distant isolated corner 10-20 feet away from their circle of activity to spend a few minutes alone with their cigarette.  Then they return to society and resume participation.  What do they do other than just smoke during those few minutes?  

They must think.  Recap.  Process.  Edit.  The law forces smokers to retreat, pause and think.

When ex-smokers talk about quitting and gaining back those moments lost while taking a ciggy break, I think about how they probably miss those small moments of quiet and even smaller moments of epiphanies.  

Now, nicotine exists and all that evil cancer jazz is for real.  I don't smoke.

But I nurse.  And nursing is a totally safe option.  Over the last two weeks our family got caught up in a social whirlwind.  While I excused myself to nurse Levi, I found my behavior comparable to that of a smoker.  We find some quiet corner away from distraction and as Levi feeds, I get to think.  Recap.  Process. And edit myself.  Then I return to society, fresh and ready.

I found a way to get my ciggy breaks, totally nicotine-free.

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