
Friday, August 9, 2013

July 23: Au Revoir, France

Three weeks had gone by.  It was time to return home to our responsibilities and must-dos.  A friend of mine once wrote that "to travel was the best excuse to do nothing."

We planned to grab the city's best croissants before heading to the airport from a bakery that was a bit of a walk, or a couple train stops away.  We debated whether to leave our suitcases, go get the croissants and return, or split up (one stays, the other goes to get the croissants).  Come Tuesday morning, we looked at each other and decided the city's best croissants weren't that important.  We wanted to slow time down.  Our flight was not until later in the day, but we had to check in three hours early.

Instead we walked down the corner for some weak coffee and ate breakfast at Olivia's flat.  Levi played outside on the balcony, aware we were leaving for home.  I packed slowly, played with Levi and breathed in the hot Parisian air.  For a long time he stood with one foot outside the flat, one foot inside, alternating looking inside and outside.

I love to travel.  I get to see things in a different context.  I get to think in a different context.  I get to live life differently for a bit then I get to return home where I feel good and can test new things in a familiar environment.  

I hope that our travels together will instill in Levi the ability and desire to have one foot planted comfortably outside in the world, one foot inside home sweet home, looking outside and within.

1 comment :

  1. Oh wow he looks like you when. You were that age....(there are photos of you at that age)
