
Monday, June 17, 2013

List #22: Interview With Pop

An interview with an absolutely fabulous father who likes to be called Pop:

1.  A parenting trick that works for me:  When Levi is cranky or can't sleep, I massage his feet.  I get away with it.  Lauren can't do it.

2.  Something I did not know until I became a father:  I did not know that I could love a new person more than anything else in the world.

3.  My favorite toy from childhood:  My G.I. Joes.  I got some crazy ideas, like putting the bad guy in water and freezing it.  Then I set it on fire.  It was part of an elaborate set up that took place in the snow.

4.  My favorite movie as a child:  The Goonies.  I love adventure and pirates.

5.  What I love the most about Brooklyn:  My home.  It feels like I'm traveling in my own neighborhood.

6.  A place I visited and hope my kid will visit one day:  I hope he sees everything I've seen.  But if I had to pick one place, I'd say Kuanidup (in the San Blas Archipelago by Panama ).

7.  I hope my kid never asks me:  For money.

8.  I hope my kid will ask me:  For now, a hug and a kiss.

9.  My favorite way to spend time with my kid:  Outside in the backyard, hanging out, grilling and talking.

10.  My parenting superpower:  Making Levi laugh.